Monday 9 December 2013

Storage Solutions continued!

Smart storage ideas is one of the most important things to remember in any home particularly for smaller spaces.

It's a continuing battle for all of us.  We accumulate so many things over time and cant find it in ourselves to de-clutter.....

As I do a fair amount of my research on-line to get ideas and source inspiration, I came across something that may be of interest to some....... a combination of two spaces worked into one along with that dreaded storage dilemma solved :)

This space is smart and contemporary but it also gives the illusion of space by use of colour and design.  By adding decals which have been positioned to draw the eye upwards is creating a sense that the room has high ceilings .... very clever as well as keeping the main palette neutral and using black as the "feature" point.

The design is so versatile and fluid in it's structure that you could quite easily improvise or add your own personal touch with ease.