Wednesday 31 July 2013

Interior Trends - Friend or Foe

Today I thought I would write about the current "Trends" or more so our dilemmas dealing with them :)

Well, it can be a little overwhelming, particularly if you are trying to achieve all the things which are shown on TV programmes, magazines, social media etc....... so many messages, so confusing.

What I would suggest is: don't leap into any huge purchases that you may regret later because you liked it 5 mins ago as it looked great in someone eles' home.  Is it going to look the same in your home?  Probably not! But, it may look similar, on a positive note!

I, myself would be the first to admit that I have gone out on a whim and bought a piece of furniture, brought it home and have gone 'what have I done' but, we all learn by our mistakes and can turn them into a learning curve so to speak.

The key is deciding what you want to keep and what you want to put into storage (for the moment), a bit of a spring clean I guess, before you go out on your search  for your new decor as your creative juices are probably in 5th gear by now.

Really think about the space that you are working with.  What is your current colour palette?  Is it neutral or do you have feature walls popping out in all directions?  Are there shades of colour that just don't work.  These are things that you seriously need to look at, as sometimes we are blinded by the awesomeness of something and then discover, it just doesn't work!

Here is an idea for you - take a picture of the room that you are giving a face lift to and then look through magazines.  Enjoy the process, embrace it - cut out furniture, decorative items, colours and surround them around the photo of your "working space".  This is not going to take you five minutes - this is going to take however long you want it to, until it resonates with you.  There is no cost here, if you make a mistake the only thing that you are dealing with is paper, glue, scissors and a photo. So big deal if you change your mind.  It's a project and an exciting one.

If you have any questions or are completely stuck on an idea that you have I am more than happy to help; particularly when it's creating your own piece of awesomeness :)

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